Category: PSA

  • Crowdstrike PSA

    In the wake of the outtage related to Crowdstrike and Windows, there have been many scammers coming forward with quick fixes, solutions, or services which will compromise your devices. Be wary of any program or patch that doesn’t come directly from Microsoft or Crowdstrike when it comes to mitigating the problem. After an incident such…

  • Windows PSA

    A high severity vulnerability has been disclosed and patched by Microsoft for multiple versions of Windows.  The attack functions using the WiFi network.  Remote code execution can be performed without any input from the targeted device or the device’s user.  While there have been no announced active exploits, it is an urgent update if you…

  • Phishing PSA

    Victims fall subject to caller ID spoofing and phishing attempts. You can no longer rely on caller IDs to know who is calling.

  • PSA – Increase in IRS Phishing Scams

    by Artie Kaye The IRS has issued an alert warning of an exponential increase in SSM, SMS, and text based scams.  The IRS do not send out text messages or emails requiring personal information to be submitted.  If you get a message on your phone or email asking you to submit information, this is a…


    EAS Broadcasts Could Be Spoofedby Artie Kaye There is a possibility in the coming weeks to have false or misleading EAS messages sent out due to a vulnerability. FEMA, the FCC, and DHS have all issued warnings in the last 2 weeks about the vulnerability in the Emergency Alert System.  The flaw lies in the…